Cyberpunk studies
Cyberpunk, a very exciting topic, because it leaves a lot of room for graphic experiments. Personally, I came up with these small spaces and created them with Cinema4DR20. The figure comes from the ADOBE Mixamo collection and was edited by me accordingly. Technically, I limited myself to the simplest means. Extruding, intruding, splines, and "simple" textures were used in places.
In addition, sometimes futuristic futuristic Vehicle come. I render a picture from Cinema and then edit it easily in Photoshop.
Who wants to express questions or criticism, may send me a mail.
Cyberpunk Studien
Cyberpunk, a very exciting topic, because it leaves a lot of room for graphic experiments. Personally, I came up with these small spaces and created them with Cinema4DR20. The figure comes from the ADOBE Mixamo collection and was edited by me accordingly. Technically, I limited myself to the simplest means. Extruding, intruding, splines, and "simple" textures were used in places.
In addition, sometimes futuristic futuristic Vehicle come. I render a picture from Cinema and then edit it easily in Photoshop.
Who wants to express questions or criticism, may send me a mail.
Cyberpunk Studien
Cyberpunk, ein recht spannendes Thema, weil es doch viel Raum für grafische Experimente lässt. Ich persönlich habe mir diese kleinen Räume ausgedacht und mit Cinema4DR20 erstellt. Die Figur stammt aus der ADOBE Mixamo Sammlung und wurde von mir entsprechend bearbeitet. Technisch habe ich mich auf einfachste Mittel beschränkt. Extrudieren, Intrudieren, Splines und "einfache" Materialien (Texturen) wurden stellenweise benutzt.
Hinzu kommen auch mal spotan ausgedachte futuristische Vehicle. Ich rendere ein Bild aus Cinema und bearbeite es anschliessend leicht in Photoshop nach.
Wer Fragen oder Kritik äussern will, darf mir gerne eine Mail senden.